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Tag - Munich

Taipei, Taiwan is one of the best cities for solo travel

Best Cities In The World For Solo Travel According To Study

Solo travel continues to be a trend these days, with many travelers taking off alone to explore the world. For this reason, research was run to reveal the best cities in the world for those traveling alone. Of interest to note, almost 50 percent of the cities are located in Asia. If you are planning to set off on your travels alone, read on to find out the best...

OBB Nightjet sleeper trains

Nightjet Plans New Sleeper Trains In Europe From The End of 2024

In the past couple of years, rail travel has been booming with new sleeper train routes being launched in Europe. Next in line is a series of sleeper trains from a pioneering company, ÖBB Nightjet planning to connect Barcelona in Spain with the rest of Europe. These night trains allow a traveler to go to sleep in one country and wake up in another while avoiding...