It is due to these attractions that Seville has appeared in most rankings that rate the beauty of Spain. However, due to its uniqueness and beauty, Traveler magazine has recently ranked a flight of steps in the city as Spain’s most beautiful.
Beautiful flights of steps in Spain

Which staircase in Seville was chosen as the most beautiful? Las Setas (the Mushrooms) opened in 2011 and it has since been a favorite location for visitors and locals. Seville is known for its mix of architectural styles, and Las Setas is certainly unique in blending the future and the past with the rest of the city.

What makes these steps amazing is that travelers and locals alike can enjoy 360º panoramic views over the city, at a height of almost 30 m (almost 100 ft) above sea level. The flight of steps is 150 m (492 ft) in length and 70 m (230 ft) wide and this wooden structure is truly unique in the world.
Largest wooden structure on the planet

The structure was designed by German architect Jürgen Mayer. Moreover, it consists of six large mushroom-shaped parasols offering beautiful views over the city from the walkway. Moreover, the basement of the structure houses the Antiquarium Museum, featuring archaeological remains from the Roman era. The surrounding area includes a food market and an elevated plaza where various events are held.
Readers can find out more information about Las Setas in Seville on its official website here. Moreover, you can experience a striking and beautiful virtual tour of the iconic steps in this YouTube video (Spanish language):
On your next visit to Seville, head to Las Setas for the experience of exploring the wooden structure and the panoramic views from the top.
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