Götene in Sweden offering land to attract more residents
The small Swedish town of Götene has only around 5,000 residents, many of whom are aging, and the birth rate is lacking. Meanwhile, it is a popular town for tourists which likely attract much of the town’s earnings.

Who can buy the land in Götene?
CNN quotes Johan Månsson, the mayor of Götene as saying:
Absolutely anyone is welcome to buy one of the plots. There are no rules or requirements as to who is allowed to buy one. It would be absolutely fantastic if we could get people from abroad interested in buying plots here, too.
However, Månsson didn’t say if Swedish residency or citizenship is required to buy the land. However, it is likely only possible for people residing legally in the country.
What’s the catch?

“It costs a lot of money to build a house, and the price of land isn’t the be-all and end-all, but it’s an important part of that,” the mayor told The Local.
Meanwhile, despite the fact that interest rates are going down in Sweden, many families are wary of the property market. Due to this, Månsson hopes the campaign will attract a family that has the courage to build a house there, despite the current economic situation. He added:
Some of these plots have been on sale for many years, often many decades, as they’ve more or less been forgotten about.
What does Götene offer its residents and visitors?
As mentioned, Götene is a popular destination for travelers both from Sweden and overseas. Some of its popular attractions include a wildlife area, Österplana Hed och Vall, a historic landmark Martorpsfallet with a waterfall and the Romanesque church Husaby Kyrka.

How many plots have been sold in Götene so far?
The project was launched last month and three plots have already been sold, while more people are also showing interest. The plots are scattered across the town, but are mainly in developed areas, reducing problems of the necessary infrastructure for electricity and water.
Meanwhile, Hylte, a town in the south of Sweden, has launched a similar campaign earlier this year. There, they are selling 54 plots for the same low price.
How long will the offer last?
Götene plans to run the campaign throughout 2024 and 2025, so people don’t need to rush. Meanwhile, the mayor added,
After that it probably won’t be continued, as the economy will most likely go back to normal. But, of course, we’ll discuss that in the future.
Meanwhile, Sweden is only now catching up with other European locations, trying to attract new residents. As reported, rural Tuscany in Italy will pay you up to €30,000 ($32,161) to move there. Moreover, it was also reported that a town in Sicily recently offered dilapidated houses for as little as €3. Meanwhile, rural villages in Spain have also offered similar deals to rescue abandoned towns.
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