How to handle the heatwaves of summer in Europe
As international travelers head to Europe, the early summer crowds are already in the headlines with many stories about overtourism. Right now, popular destinations in Italy like Rome and Florence are already giving Excessive Heat Warnings.

Across Western Europe, variations of dry heat or humidity are making things uncomfortable, so make sure you know how to handle this before you travel to EU nations this summer. While travelers walk around all day, touring and sightseeing, they often have to find an air-conditioned space along the way to cool down. Moreover, exploring in high temperatures can quickly reach heat exhaustion levels that most US travelers aren’t used to.
Naturally, travelers tend to overindulge while on vacation in Europe, consuming alcohol, caffeine and delicious, but heavy meals which make things worse.
Beating the heat by touring early or late

By doing things early or late, you can do all the normal sightseeing without the usual crowds at the major beauty spots and snooze in air conditioning during the day.
Best clothing for Europe in summer heatwaves
Dress for the heat with light, loose-fitting and cool clothing and a snazzy hat to take the sun off your scalp. Meanwhile, those parts of your body that can’t avoid the sun should be slathered with sunscreen.
Another important note is about keeping hydrated along the way. Always rest in the shade while sightseeing and ensure you always have a bottle of water with you. Again, it is better to avoid alcohol and caffeine during the day, which only makes the heat worse.
Long days and great beaches

Basically, ensure you take the necessary precautions to keep cool this summer to ensure you have the vacation of a lifetime.
[…] just announced its upcoming Dive-In Movie Nights at its iconic M Pool. While cooling off from the summer heat, guests can enjoy summer movies on a big screen at the award-winning M Pool. From Friday, July 19, […]