Any Wear, Anywhere on Japan Airlines
In an effort to reduce its carbon emissions, Japan Airlines has teamed up with one of the country’s largest corporations, Sumitomo. The partnership is set to offer a clothing rental service for travelers visiting Japan. The logic behind the new Any Wear, Anywhere service is to encourage passengers to pack light. Doing so will reduce the airline’s fuel consumption, along with the associated carbon emissions.
As noted by Financial Times, the scheme encourages passengers to pack their underwear and toiletries but rent clothing on arrival while ditching the suitcase.
How does it work?

Depending on the number of items, clothing rentals cost anything from ¥4,000 ($28) and ¥7,000 ($48). Meanwhile, passengers will be able to rent up to eight outfits to use for up to two weeks. Besides running the online reservation system, Sumitomo will also oversee the procurement, delivery and laundry of the clothing. It will do so in partnership with a dry cleaning company, Hakuyosha, and the clothing supplier, Wefabrik.
Trialing with Japan Airlines

Japan Airlines and sustainable travel

Getting passengers to pack light might not sound like much, but reportedly, even small amounts of weight reduction can make a difference on long flights. According to Japan Airlines, each kilogram of weight taken away from a flight from Tokyo (HND) to New York (JFK) will reduce the plane’s carbon emissions by 0.75 kg.
Meanwhile, when using the scheme widely, it could prove to be very effective. The Japan National Tourism Organization states that 1.9 million foreign travelers visited Japan in May 2023. This reaches almost 70 percent of pre-pandemic levels. A large influx of international travelers, along with the full reopening of Japan’s borders, could provide sufficient users of the Any Wear, Anywhere scheme to make a significant impact.
Meanwhile, Sumitomo also hopes this will help to cut down on clothing waste, by tackling the problem of so-called fast fashion. However, it remains to be seen how fashionable travelers will react to mass-produced, rented clothing.
Readers, would you be happy to leave your suitcase at home and wear rented clothing in Japan? Let us know by dropping a comment below.
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