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Tag - Valencia

Valencia in Spain joins the overtourism fight

Valencia Joins The Overtourism Fight By Limiting Tourist Rentals

Since the end of the pandemic, travel is back in full force – in fact, numbers have grown so much that the term “overtourism” is now trending. When it comes to Spain, certain popular tourist cities are taking steps to fight overtourism and cut back on house pricing for residents. How will this affect you as a traveler visiting Spain? Valencia joins Barcelona, the...

Spain offers accessible attractions for the disabled

No Barriers: Which Cities In Spain Are Accessible For Those With Disabilities?

In recent years, Spain has taken great strides in ensuring that cultural tourism is available and accessible to everyone. The European country features adapted routes and facilities, specialized services and accessible guides in its major cities. Read on to find out which major Spanish cities and attractions are now available for those with disabilities. Madrid...